We created a signature park for Jefferson City, the capital of Missouri. Jefferson City has a rich history and Community Park need revitalization.
Creating a new vision for the park was essential and some basic goals were established. First, the park needed to have a holistic look. It needed to be a destination park for the entire community and establish a unique experience. Lastly, the park needed to align its reputation with recreational spaces of the capital city.
The solution for the park included a field of play events that build in age and ability appropriateness with the giant, Neptune XXL custom structure gleaming at the far end of the playground. Before reaching the Neptune structure, visitors can enjoy sliding options, swinging options, lower level climbing and balancing along with a pair of 100’ long Speedway ziplines. The goals of the park were achieved, and Community Park is now abuzz with many yearly visitors making the park a focal point and pride for the city.